4 ways you can go plastic-free right now!

ahelee dutta gupta
2 min readJul 15, 2021

‘Plastic-free July’ is a global initiative to work towards a plastic-free world. It's a way of educating people on how to reduce plastic pollution on this planet for the better today and tomorrow. The plastic which we discard mostly ends up in landfills or the oceans. This article is a small compilation of 4 changes everybody can make in their daily life to make this place a better place to live.

Carry your own bottle

When we step out for a while, a lot of times we end up buying a bottle of packaged water to quench our thirst. Now imagine the number of plastic bottles that are discarded by so many people each day. It's a LOT! Instead of buying a bottle of water, we can start carrying our own bottle whenever we are leaving the house. That way, you save money and you also don't add more plastic to this planet.

Use Menstrual cups or Cotton pads

Did you know the conventional pads or tampons we use every month during our menstruation are made out of plastic, chlorine, and other toxic chemicals? Not only it is non-biodegradable and harmful to the environment but it also puts women at great risk of causing rashes, infections & ovarian cancer. There are alternatives like menstrual cups & cotton pads available that can be reused and completely safe to use.

Carry your own shopping bag

When we go out to buy groceries, we often buy plastic carry bags from the shopkeepers. Then these plastic bags will end up in landfills, causing more pollution. Instead, we can carry a cloth bag every time we step out to buy our groceries. By doing this we save our planet from a lot of non-biodegradable waste.

Say goodbye to plastic straws

Next time when you drink a glass of juice, coconut water, or your favorite cocktail ditch that plastic straw and opt for reusable metal or glass straws. You can always carry them with you so that you can just take them out whenever you need them to drink something.

Plastic waste impacts the earth's ecosystem and hugely affects the people, wildlife, and environment. But I understand that there are many instances where we end up using plastic or buying things that come in a plastic package. In that case, reuse that plastic as much as you can and refuse whenever you can. Make sure that you segregate the plastic waste and it reaches the right people/organizations who can recycle the plastic waste without harming the environment. Let's all join hands and be a part of the solution and not the problem.

I am doing my bit every day in whatever ways I can, make sure you do yours. :)



ahelee dutta gupta

A yogi at heart penning down tips and tricks to modify your current lifestyle to a healthier one